Sustainability and Technology

Chandler promotes sustainability through many practices, services and programs to prepare for the future. It is through innovations in infrastructure, processes and technology that we continue to develop new ways to serve more effectively and efficiently.

Water Conservation Rebates

Water Conservation Rebates

Expanded grant-funded water conservation rebate programs to incentivize the installation of water efficiency technologies and grass removal for large landscape customers, such as commercial and industrial businesses, multi-family properties and homeowner associations.

  • Expanded the Large Landscape Irrigation Efficiency Program.
  • Added a new full-day “Water Efficiency Strategies Workshop” for commercial and industrial water users.
  • Increased the grass removal incentive for residential customers to $2/sq ft and saw a 900% increase in applications during the first 60 days. 

Advanced Metering Infrastructure

Advanced Metering Infrastructure

Chandler reads approximately 87,000 monthly water meters visually or using drive-by technology that gathers information to produce monthly bills for utility customers. The water meters and software system are being upgraded to prepare for fully automated meter reading capability – known as Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI).

It will be used to collect water use data for billing, while providing customers access to a portal for viewing their daily water consumption data. When completed, the AMI metering system will enable accurate billing and quicker notifications of failed or problematic meters. It also will aid water conservation by providing customers with daily water use data and notifications of potential leaks.

Technology Drives Innovations

Technology Drives Innovations

Chandler created a real-time data tool to better guide housing strategies and combat housing instability. The tool leverages artificial intelligence (AI), Building Block and GIS features to deliver the following:

  • Real-Time location integration/automation between first responders and the caller.
  • Access owner and landlord attributes to effectively develop programs that improve public safety.
  • Streamlined code enforcement process to identify short term rentals.
  • Automated process to identify properties that have licenses with taxes and fees owed.

Digital Cities Award

Digital Cities Award

The Center for Digital Government recognizes cities for utilizing technology to strengthen cybersecurity, enhance transparency, digital privacy rights and digital equity. Chandler was ranked 6th nationally among cities with a population size between 250,000 and 499,000 for finding innovative ways to support solutions for challenges facing cities today.

ORBIE Awards Finalist

Sandip Dholakia

Chandler’s Chief Information Officer (CIO) Sandip Dholakia was a finalist in the Arizona ORBIE Awards for excellence in technology leadership.

He was honored during the event as a finalist for the prestigious award which recognizes technology executives who have demonstrated excellence in technology leadership. Finalists are selected by an independent peer review process.

Financial Excellence

Chandler City Hall

Chandler maintained AAA ratings from all rating agencies for bonds backed by property taxes and became the first Arizona city to earn AAA ratings from all rating agencies for bonds backed by excise taxes. These ratings produce low-interest rates on major projects and savings for residents and utility customers.

New budgeting software streamlined processes, reduced manual data entry, created workflow approvals in a paperless environment and allowed for a more efficient budget season. The software automatically creates the city’s budget document and capital improvement program.

The Government Finance Officers Association recognized Chandler with the Excellence in Financial Reporting for the 41st consecutive year and Distinguished Budget Presentation for the 36th consecutive year. The National Procurement Institute recognized Chandler with Excellence in Procurement for the 19th consecutive year.

Get A Passport

Chandler’s City Clerk Office implemented the Square point of sale system to process passport application fee payments — making it more convenient for applicants.