Business Climate

Chandler is regarded as one of the most financially stable cities in the United States, evidenced by our AAA bond rating from each major bond rating agency. This fiscal health stems from city leadership's understanding of the importance of a strong local economy. The city has worked for decades to build a location for business success and to create a sense of place that is appealing to large and small businesses alike. The following are some of the advantages of doing business in Chandler:

  • Pro-business local government that is responsive to the needs of the business community
  • City staff capable of assisting businesses of all sizes, from startups to multinational corporations
  • Programs and services to support businesses locating and expanding in Chandler
  • Sound, long-term fiscal policies to ensure Chandler is a safe place for private sector investment
  • Lowest city sales tax rate among the metro area's major cities at 1.5 percent
  • Minimalist state regulatory environment and among the lowest corporate income tax rates at 4.9 percent


A Message From:

Mayor Kevin Hartke
Mayor Kevin Hartke

"Thank you for your interest in the City of Chandler. The wealth of successful industrial, commercial and technology industries located here is a testament to the hard work and strong business ethics of those committed to building a vibrant economy.

This success is financially manifested by the fact that Chandler is regarded as one of the most stable destinations for private sector capital investment as evidenced by our AAA bond rating from all three rating agencies. The City of Chandler is extremely proud to be one of a select few cities and towns nationally to receive this prestigious designation.

As you consider future site location options, the City of Chandler stands ready to assist in welcoming you to our community." - Mayor Kevin Hartke