Ongoing development of the Chandler Police Department's leadership team will support the next generation of police leaders and provide the tools for training others.
Our Chandler community is rapidly growing and expanding. To ensure we continue to provide a high quality of life and safe neighborhoods, it is vital our law enforcement officers are equipped with the training, knowledge and tools necessary to navigate complex situations. As Mayor and Councilmembers, we are dedicated to the promise of a safe environment for families to thrive and innovation to grow.
In collaboration with Councilmembers Orlando, Lopez, Roe and Ellis, I have brought forth a budget amendment for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 to provide $10,000 ongoing toward the development of our law enforcement leadership. This financial contribution will allow for the ongoing development of the Chandler Police Department's leadership team as they continue to shape the next generation of police leaders.
I am confident this amendment will support our community’s continued growth and high quality of life, and I am proud to enhance leadership and training opportunities for those who protect and serve our community every day.