Chandler residents pay $1.7 million in property taxes annually to the Roosevelt Water Conservation District (RWCD), while the district is failing to honor its agreement to provide Chandler with water for domestic use.
RWCD originated more than 100 years ago for the purpose of irrigating farmlands encompassing 40,000 acres within Chandler, Gilbert, Mesa and southeastern Maricopa County. In fact, Dr. A.J. Chandler, the founder of Chandler, was among the people involved in its formation.
In 2002, RWCD and Chandler signed a water services agreement that is valid until 2086. The agreement ensures the district’s water rights continue to serve a beneficial purpose as agricultural lands urbanize in the city.
Through the agreement, Chandler has purchased 40,545 acre-feet of water from RWCD using an equitable, proven formula based on water availability. RWCD has begun refusing to honor the agreement and denied purchases for Chandler, even as the city has upheld its obligations.
Amid Arizona’s drought conditions and surface water shortages, RWCD has let its water resources go to waste by being released from Salt River Project (SRP) reservoirs rather than sell the water to Chandler. That’s irresponsible.
Water is a valuable public resource and our residents deserve better. Our community experiences water stability due to careful long-range planning and the ability to secure a diverse portfolio of water sources.
Approximately 57% of Chandler’s drinking water supplies come from the Salt and Verde rivers. Every summer, SRP notifies all water users of the surface water mix available. RWCD is entitled to 5.6% of the annual delivery volume of water stored in the Salt and Verde reservoirs.
Instead of using the agreement’s transparent and objective formula, RWCD wants Chandler to sign a new agreement giving the district unrestricted discretion to determine how much water to offer each year. That’s not in the best interests of Chandler taxpayers who deserve a return on their property taxes.
RWCD is operating in bad faith by taxing Chandler residents without providing the benefit of water for domestic use. The district is governed by a Board of Directors elected to represent landowners encompassing portions of Chandler, Gilbert and Mesa in southeastern Maricopa County. Their meetings are open to the public.
Visit RWCD to share your comments and let your voice be heard by attending the RWCD Board of Directors meetings. It’s time for some accountability!