Export Services

The City of Chandler has joined forces with the Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM) to empower local businesses to boost their export sales and add quality American jobs as part of EXIM's Regional Export Promotion Program. EXIM products are geared toward small and mid-size businesses, have no minimum annual insurance premiums or financing fees, and are available to exporters selling into emerging foreign markets that may be too risky for private sector lenders and insurance companies. Learn more by downloading EXIM's Export Finance Solutions Guide

The city also has partnered with the Arizona Commerce Authority to host an ExporTech workshop in Chandler. Exportech is essentially an export boot camp that combines group workshops with individualized coaching to produce a customized and expert-reviewed Export Growth Plan within nine weeks. Participating companies receive continued support and access to export services through the Arizona Commerce Authority.

For more information on EXIM products or ExporTech, contact:
Michael Winer
Economic Development Specialist