Friday - Group Exercise Classes

8:15 - 9 a.m.
Instructor: Terri
A challenging class fusing Yoga and Pilates. You will burn calories, sculpt muscles, strengthen your core, increase your flexibility and improve your balance. Recommended to bring your own yoga mat.
Silver Sneakers® Circuit
8:30 - 9:15 a.m.
Instructor: Claudia
This standing class alternates upper-body strength work with low-impact cardio to maximize fitness benefits. A chair and handheld weights or tubing are recommended. Intermediate skill level.
Strictly Strength
9:15 - 10 a.m.
Instructor: Roberta
This total-body strength training class focuses on your over-all muscular strength and endurance, improves your bone density, core strength, joint mobility, and balance, as well as boosts your metabolism. Proper form and technique will be emphasized.
Active Adults on the Move
10:30 - 11:15 a.m.
Instructor: Roberta
You are never too old to be healthy and strong. Come experience this challenging and fun blend of cardiovascular and muscular endurance class that focuses on increasing strength, stamina, balance, coordination, and flexibility. All exercises are performed standing, and you are not required to get down to the floor.
TRC Closes at 5 p.m. 11/29
All participants are now required to make reservations for Group Exercise Classes. You will need to have an ActiveNet Account in order to register for these services.