Architectural Review Committee

Sunsetted: Nov. 2, 2020

The five-member committee is responsible for reviewing downtown Chandler buildings within the City Center District (CCD) zoning prior to development, redevelopment, building or structure construction or reconstruction; building or structure expansion, enlargement, structural alteration, of facade renovation; or any expansion of a use permitted by right in this zoning district exceeding twenty (20) percent of a building or structure's existing floor area as outlined in Chapter 35, Section 3205 of the Zoning Code; or any sign installation that does not fully comply with the standards and requirements for CCD in Chapter 39 Sign Code.

Meeting Minutes
2019 Architectural Review Committee Minutes
2018 Architectural Review Committee Minutes

These minutes are fully searchable within each year by using the “Find feature. For prior years meetings not listed please contact the Clerk’s Office at 480-782-2181.

Meetings are held as needed at 215 E. Buffalo St.

Architectural Review Committee Members
Requirements: One member must be a member of the Planning & Zoning Commission; one member of the Planning & Development staff; and three public members, at least one shall be a business or property owner located in the District or a member of the DCCP; and at least one shall be an architect, landscape architect, historian or an individual otherwise qualified by design background, training or experience.


Members (5) Term Expires
Jason Crampton 05-01-2021
Bryan Saba 05-01-2023
Matt Eberle 05-01-2021
Jeff Velasquez 05-01-2021
Devan Wastchak 05-01-2022
Staff Liaison
David De la Torre, Planning Manager


Established 7-10-2000 Bylaws (adopted 03-30-2001)

If you have any questions call the City Clerk's Office at 480-782-2181.