Citizen Bond Exploratory Committee

Sunsetted May 13, 2021: 

The 2020 Citizen Bond Exploratory Committee, comprised of one committee chair and six (6) members shall be formed to review and identify programs requiring financing and to make recommendations to the council regarding the use of bond financing in anticipation of a future bond election.

Meeting Minutes

These minutes are fully searchable within each year by using the “Find Feature. For prior year meetings not listed please contact the Clerk’s Office at 480-782-2181.

Meetings will be held on an as-needed basis.
Call 480-782-2227 for information.

The 2020 Citizen Bond Exploratory Committee and the Subcommittees shall sunset on Nov. 2, 2021.


Each subcommittee will be comprised of a committee chair, who shall be a member of the 2020 Citizen Bond Exploratory Committee, and six (6) members.


Steering Committee

Steering Committee

Oct. 1, 2020

Public Involvement Bond Steering Committee

Public Involvement 

Oct. 1, 2020

Bond Exploratory Committee
Boyd Dunn | Committee Chair
Ted Huntington
Ron Hardin
Trinity Donovan
Nina Mullins
David Sperling
Mark Gildersleeve