Citizen Bond Exploratory Facilities Subcommittee

Sunsetted May 13, 2021

The 2020 Citizen Bond Exploratory Facilities Subcommittee will review related current and future projects in relation to the needs of the community and will provide guidance and recommendation to the Citizen Bond Exploratory Committee.

Meeting Minutes

2020 Citizen Bond Exploratory Facilities Subcommittee

These minutes are fully searchable within each year by using the “Find” feature. For prior year meetings not listed please contact the Clerk’s Office at 480-782-2181.

Meetings will be held on an as-needed basis.
Call 480-782-2227 for information.

The 2020 Citizen Bond Exploratory Facilities Subcommittee shall sunset on Nov. 2, 2021.

Facilities Bond Subcommittee Presentation

Facilities Bond Subcommittee 

Sept. 18, 2020


Public Safety Public Involvement

Public Involvement

Oct. 9, 2020



Nina Mullins | Facilities Subcommittee Chair
David Gonzalez
David Rose
Victor Hardy
Craig Gilbert
Beth Brizel
OD Harris
Debra Stapleton | Staff Liaison
Mike Hollingsworth | Staff Liaison


Established 08-13-2020; Ordinance No. 4933.

If you have any questions, call the City Clerk's Office at 480-782-2181.