Domestic Violence Commission

Chandler Police Department Building lit purple for Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Established in 2005, the Domestic Violence Commission advises the Council on domestic violence issues in Chandler. The 11 Commissioners remain current on legislature and resources that assist victims and their families.

The Commissioners participate in community outreach events to raise awareness about domestic violence dynamics and the available resources in Chandler and surrounding cities.

Agenda, Results and Minutes

Meetings are usually held at 9 a.m. on the 2nd Wednesday of the month in the City Council Chambers Conference Room at 88 E. Chicago St.

Members (11)Term Expires
Michael Morris05-01-2027
Ruth Tan Lim05-01-2026
Samantha Hinchey, Arizona Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence05-01-2026
Salina Imam05-01-2026
Sharon Tipton, The Enlightenment Institute, LLC05-01-2025
Jaime Fernandez, Boys & Girls Club05-01-2025
Aleshia Fessel, Community Legal Services05-01-2025
Dawn Curtis, Catholic Charities 05-01-2025
LaTisha Codkind05-01-2025
Chelsea Grieve05-01-2025
Alternate Members 
Lisa Gasiorowski, Alternate for Catholic Charities05-01-2026
Megan Perez, Alternate for Community Legal Services05-01-2025
Gretchen Long, Boys & Girls Club05-01-2025
Staff Liaison
Katie Cain, Victim Services Coordinator


Term: 3 years
Meets: Once a month, subcommittee meets once a month
Members: 11 members: 5 of which are representatives of domestic violence service providers or agencies.

Subcommittee: Community Outreach Subcommittee

Application to Serve


Established 08-11-2005; Ordinance No. 3708

For more information, call 480-782-2181.