Health Care Benefits Trust Board 

Community Open House at Chandler Fire Station

The Board administers the Health Care Benefits Trust Fund pursuant to City Ordinance and the Trust Agreement. The Board provides direct payment of the Health Care Benefits Plan and financial oversight of the Trust Fund by evaluating claim expenses and reserve amounts.

Agenda, Results and Minutes

Meets as needed, 4 p.m., Council Chambers Conference Room, 88 E. Chicago St.

Members (5)Term Expires
Carson Mohr05-01-2027
Zac Cummard, Employee Member05-01-2027
Mark Knight05-01-2026
Jennifer Huppenthal05-01-2025
Terry Bond05-01-2025
Staff Liaison
Fernanda Acurio, Human Resources Manager


Term: 3 years
Meets: Quarterly
Members: 5 members: 1 of which is an employee

Application to Serve


Established 8-16-2010; Ordinance No. 4245

For more information, call 480-782-2181.