Human Relations Commission

Native American Dancers

The Human Relations Commission advises Council on promoting inclusion and belonging among the many groups that make up the Chandler community. The members are representative of the diversity of Chandler.

Agenda, Results and Minutes

Meetings are usually held at 6 p.m. on the fourth Wednesday of the month in the Chandler City Council Chambers Conference Room, 88 E. Chicago St., Chandler, 85225.

Members (11)Term Expires
Kent Lane05-01-2027
Pamela Morris05-01-2027
Garry Ong05-01-2027
Erica Maxwell05-01-2027
Tony Pham05-01-2026
Kriti Agarwal05-01-2026
Betty Ramirez05-01-2026
John Anguiano05-01-2025
Tyler Conaway05-01-2025
Shannon Begay05-01-2025
Staff Liaison
Niki Tapia, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer


Term: 3 years
Meets: Once a month
Members: 11 members

Application to Serve


Established 3-12-98; Ordinance No. 2806
Amended 1-13-2022; Ordinance No. 4983

Bylaws: Adopted 08-27-2007

For more information, call 480-782-2214.