Transportation Commission

Car driving down city street

The Transportation Commission reviews and makes recommendations to City Council on a variety of transportation projects, plans and studies.

The Commission meetings provide a space for the Commission and the public to provide valuable feedback that is often incorporated into these projects, plans and studies.

Agenda, Results and Minutes

Meetings are usually held at 4 p.m. on the 3rd Wednesday of every other month at City Hall, 175 S. Arizona Ave.

Members (7)Term Expires
David Heineking05-01-2027
David Lucas05-01-2027
Dean Brennan05-01-2026
Molly Olsen05-01-2026
Luis Heredia05-01-2026
John Repar05-01-2025
Dan Henderson05-01-2025
Staff Liaison
Jason Crampton, Transportation Planning Manager


Term: 3 years
Meets: Every other month
Members: 7 members

Application to Serve


Established 09-27-2001; Ordinance No. 3300
Amended 1-13-2022; Ordinance No. 4983

For more information, call 480-782-2181.