Chandler remains a top choice for major corporations, small businesses and entrepreneurs due to its pro-business environment, skilled workforce, educational opportunities and diverse community.
Business Attraction and Expansion in Chandler
In 2024, Chandler’s Economic Development Team proactively engaged with developers, brokers, retail executives and existing businesses to promote available properties and development opportunities, leading to the attraction of new businesses and expansion projects in the city.
View the Economic Development Year in Review Blog for a detailed recap of economic development news.

Development Process
Chandler understands that time is money for project developers, so it’s essential that the development process is predictable and efficient. The combination of professional planning strategies, pre-technical reviews and electronic plan submittals coupled with convenient ways to schedule inspections and receive results promotes development that contributes to our excellent quality of life.
Planning Applications
Building Construction Permits
Inspection Process
Zoning Code
City Council approved the most comprehensive update to Chandler’s zoning code in decades. These changes will help address current development trends and provide a more efficient, business-friendly development approval process.
Chandler also updated the city’s code of ordinances to address housing and redevelopment requirements mandated through new state laws.

Connecting Chandler
Four fiber providers are working to bring Fiber to the Home services to Chandler. Fiber new telecommunications licenses for broadband service providers also were approved by City Council.
Collectively, these services will enhance the number and quality of options available for Chandler businesses and residents.

Chandler Airport
For the sixth consecutive year, Chandler Municipal Airport has been appointed to serve on the Arizona Airport Association’s Board of Directors. This group represents airport industry professionals at the local, state and federal levels.
Enhancements to the Chandler Airport and its facilities continue to promote the operational efficiency of aviation uses for businesses and pilots.