The foundation of a thriving community lies in its neighborhoods. Equipping Chandler residents with resources and guidance to maintain their homes helps foster pride and encourages active involvement.
Modernizing Public Housing

Villas on McQueen
Chandler and Gorman & Company partnered to co-develop Villas on McQueen, Chandler's first public housing project converted through the HUD's Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program.
Construction of Villas on McQueen began on July 1, 2024 to build a 157-unit affordable housing project. It marks a significant milestone in Chandler's housing landscape, aiming to provide low- and moderate-income renters with sustainable housing options, complete with on-site resident services. This project, located near McQueen Road and Chandler Boulevard, will replace 78 units of public housing units and create an additional 79 affordable housing units.

Haven on Hamilton
City Council approved a development agreement for the second phase of public housing conversion at 73 S. Hamilton. The property will be rebranded to The Haven on Hamilton and will consist of a multi-family housing project with 250 housing units, including a mix of one-, two-, three-, four- and five-bedroom units. The project also will include a park area and oversized central community center with multi-generational community rooms, gym, gathering spaces and Head Start classroom. Ninety of the units will be reserved for families at existing sites, leaving 160 new Low-Income Housing Tax Credit units for the community.
Developed the 2026-2030 Consolidated Plan, which helps Chandler assess affordable housing and community development needs in the community based on market conditions, and to make data-driven, place-based investment decisions.
Housing by the Numbers
Volunteers Make a Difference

A For Our City Day kickoff event, held in the Pamela Park neighborhood, featured approximately 200 volunteers performing alley cleanup projects. Starting in 2025, the annual For Our City Day event will be held each spring.
Through the Let’s Pull Together program, volunteers assisted with 43 projects involving yard work, alley clean up and painting home exteriors.
Cesar Chavez Foundation

Partnered with the Cesar Chavez Foundation to host a neighborhood clean-up in Pueblo Viejo followed by a friendly march (Sí Se Puede!) to City Hall, which had more than 200 attendees.
Hosted a community cafecito where residents shared stories about how Cesar Chavez impacted their lives and heard directly from Andres Chavez, Chavez's grandson and director of the Chavez Foundation.
Neighborhood Programs

Graffiti Education
Kicked off the Graffiti Education Program and provided graffiti education to more than 780 students at five different Chandler elementary schools.
Trap Neuter and Return
Partnered with "Saving One Life" to assist residents experiencing an overpopulation of feral cats by implementing a Trap, Neuter and Return program.

Helping Seniors
Hosted eight Golden Neighbors events in 2024 and helped connect 339 Chandler residents with essential household products and resources.
Improvements at Kingston Arms, a public housing site for seniors, included new security gates in courtyards, outdoor shade structure and replacement of showers.

Grant Programs
Awarded 26 Neighborhood Assistance Program allocations in the amount of $75,000.
Awarded a grant for flexible funding from the Arizona Department of Housing to prevent housing insecurity.