Applicants for zoning processes within the City of Chandler are now able to submit their applications online.
The City implemented an electronic plan review system in 2017 enabling the City to receive, review and return building and engineering design plans electronically. Through March of fiscal year 2018-19, 62% of building safety plans, 32% of civil engineering plans, and 77% of utilities plans were submitted electronically, so customers are continuing to use the service each year.
With the goal of providing all services delivered by the Development Services Department in a digital process, the City has incorporated all zoning and land use applications into the existing electronic plan review system.
The electronic version for zoning and land use applications has been integrated with the City’s existing permitting software, electronic document management system and electronic payment system. This now allows applicants such as zoning attorneys, architects, property owners and others to submit all applications processed by the Planning Division, pay fees, receive review comments and resubmit adjusted documents entirely online. With the addition of this new component, all plan review and permitting processes offered by the Development Services Department are available to the public electronically using a customer access portal.
Customers will need to set up a login and password and first time users of the system are encouraged to call the City to speak with staff that can assist them. The City will continue accepting paper applications, but will encourage customers to begin using the online system.
“Suggestions for improvements are encouraged, as this component of the electronic plan review program is new and we want to work with users to ensure we’re providing a positive customer experience,” said Planning Administrator Kevin Mayo.
For questions, assistance or more information, contact Chandler Development Services at 480-782-3050.
Media contact:
Stephanie Romero
Public Information Officer