The City’s Special Events Sponsorship Program will soon be accepting applications from nonprofit organizations that would like funding support for hosting special events in the community.
Each year since 2002, the City Council has approved $30,000 in funding to be allocated to organizations that present quality special events in Chandler. Funding will be awarded to qualifying events that enhance the community through such areas as cultural and educational enrichment, diversity and heritage, community pride and economic vitality.
Applications open Tuesday July 10, and can be completed online at chandleraz.gov/special-events. All applications must be returned to the City’s Special Event Coordinator by 5 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 23.
A panel of six citizens who currently serve on City-appointed boards and commissions will review the applications. The panel recommendations will then be submitted to the Chandler Cultural Foundation for approval. Awards will be announced at the end of September.
Last year, nine organizations received funding for events that included the Ostrich Festival 5K Fun Run, Arizona Railway Day, Downtown Chandler Family Flix, Black History Month celebration, and others.
For more information, call 480-782-2665.