Bikes and Scooters

Active transportation includes walking, bicycling, using small, wheeled vehicles, or mobility devices, such as scooters and other new types of lightweight, electric vehicles. In 2023, the League of American Bicyclists designated Chandler as a Bronze-Level Bicycle Friendly Community. With an extensive network of local and regional bike paths, lanes, and routes, getting around Chandler on your bike is easier than ever.

Chandler also offers many fantastic parks and trails to explore year-round. Riding your bike is a great way to enjoy the outdoors, get exercise, and spend time with friends and family. For more information about Chandler’s bike infrastructure, check out the Chandler Bike Map and Downtown Parking below. Visit the MAG Bikeways for regional bikeway connections to Chandler.

Please note that motorized vehicles are prohibited in all Chandler parks, trails, and sidewalks.

MAG Bikeways Chandler Bike Map Downtown Bike Parking

Chandler Family Bike Ride

Missing file.

Family time is the best time; and here in Chandler, we’re all family. Every April, in conjunction with Valley Bike Month, the City of Chandler hosts a Family Bike Ride. The event is free and registered participants will receive a free t-shirt while supplies last. The event will include light refreshments, information about bicycle safety, transit services and related topics. 

For more information about this year's event, visit Chandler Family Bike Ride.

Dockless bike and scooter-sharing companies are privately owned and operated and are not affiliated with the city.

Scooters ridden from neighboring cities could end up parked in Chandler. If you have a concern about where a scooter is parked, please contact the appropriate company directly so that they can relocate the scooter. Below is the contact information for companies with scooters ridden into and parked in Chandler. 

If you get no response from the scooter-share company, please contact the Transportation Policy Division at 480-782-3440. Residents can also use Chandler's Public Stuff app to report any scooter issues as well.

Bird Scooters
Bird Scooters

24/7 Support Line 866-205-2442 |

You can also report issues on the Bird App.

Access "Community Mode" on the app: Community Mode is accessible by selecting the "⚠️" symbol in the bottom left corner within the Bird mobile app.

You’ll find three separate options: report a “Badly Parked Bird’’, “Damaged Bird”, and “Contact Bird."



If you see a privately owned abandoned bicycle that needs to be removed, please contact the City of Chandler Streets Division at 480-782-3500. 

Bike Friendly Community

Bike Friendly Community