Traffic Volumes and Calming Measures

Controlling traffic volumes or traffic speeds along residential streets is critical to maintaining a safe neighborhood and community. Neighborhood involvement is the key.

Traffic Volumes

The information below shows average weekday totals in thousands for the arterial intersections. There is a volume shown for each approach.

The information below shows the average weekday totals in thousands for the mile segment. The numbers displayed on the map represent the total for both directions of travel. Please note

Traffic Calming Measures

Controlling traffic volumes or traffic speeds along residential streets is critical to maintaining a safe neighborhood and community. The City welcomes neighborhood involvement in the implementation of traffic calming measures when problems arise. A procedure has been developed to address traffic problems in neighborhoods. This procedure outlines the process and criteria by which requests for traffic calming measures are evaluated by the City. The procedure applies to roads classified as "local" or "collector" streets where the predominant land use along the street is residential and where the majority of homes front on the street.

Criteria for Implementing Traffic Calming Measures

This document contains:

  • Process for initiating and evaluating Neighborhood traffic calming measures
  • Criteria for evaluating neighborhood traffic calming measures
  • Petition requirements
  • Warrants for implementation of traffic calming measures
  • Financing