Tonight, Mayor Kevin Hartke proclaimed April as Water Awareness Month (WAM) in Chandler and encouraged all citizens to pledge to become more water conscious and to use water efficiently. In celebration, the Chandler Water Conservation office invites you, your family and your neighbors to learn about the importance of water and how to use it more efficiently, which is crucial for our arid region of the country.
The City of Chandler has worked for many years to ensure that a secure and resilient water supply is available for its residents and businesses. Chandler developed the first reclaimed water distribution system in the Valley, designed and installed infrastructure to capture nearly every drop of rainwater, and obtained 100 years of assured water supply to meet future demand after build-out.
Additionally, Chandler established its Water Conservation Program in 1990 with the goal of instilling a water conservation ethic within the community and reducing water use. The conservation efforts are working. Residential water use was 144 gallons per day per person (GPCD) before the conservation program and now it is 121 GPCD. We are so excited to know our residents have been working hard to use their water wisely.

WAM is a fun way to connect with local water-related resources, tips, classes and your community. Check out all the ways you can save water in April and all year long by visiting Water Awareness Month. Your friendly Chandler Water Conservation office staff can provide:
- Home water efficiency audits, which are free on-site evaluations of your water use, including an irrigation system check up
- Landscape water use evaluations (aka water budget) to determine if too much or too little water is being applied to a landscape
- Water Saver Kits for single and multi-family residential homes built before 1992. Each kit is free and includes a showerhead, faucet aerators, leak detection tablets and a toilet displacement bag
- FREE Landscape and Irrigation Workshops featuring plant care and irrigation topics to help you have a lush landscape that is water efficient
- Rebates, ranging from $200 up to $3,000, are available for landscape installation, conversion and weather-based irrigation controllers
- …and much more.
Visit our booth at the Earth Day and Arbor Day Celebration from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday, April 13, at the City’s Environmental Education Center. And in May you can visit City Hall in Downtown Chandler to see the 16 feet tall Water Pyramid. The tower is made up of 120, one gallon bottles that represent the amount of water the average person in the Valley uses each day!
Details are available by calling the Water Conservation Office at 480-782-3580 or visit us online at Chandler Water Conservation.