Fireworks bring joy and excitement to young and old alike; but not to everyone. The sporadic booms and bangs from fireworks can be both thrilling and traumatic for people and pets.
Not every military veteran suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), but some of those who do can be negatively affected, or “triggered,” by the flashy sights and loud sounds of pyrotechnics, which may remind them of some battlefield experiences. One of the veterans affected by PTSD may be your neighbor.
Many pets go missing during the holiday because the noise and lights can be terrifying, so they run and hide. Pet experts recommend bringing pets indoors and even putting them in an interior room to help minimize the sound and prevent them from panicking and smashing into or through a window. If you can’t bring your pets inside then make sure gates are secured and they are contained in your yard during fireworks displays. A frightened animal may even try to leap over or dig under the fence. Owners should also verify that their pets have proper identification tags and secured collars.
Time of Use
Fireworks users can enjoy their pyrotechnics while also being considerate of others. It’s important to be aware of what time you are setting off your fireworks. If the explosions from fireworks are experienced during daylight hours or the early evening they may be somewhat expected and thus more tolerable than any surprising booms, pops and cracks that intrude on a good night’s sleep.
Most people are bothered by fireworks that are going off at all hours of the night. While it may be reasonable to hear New Year’s Eve fireworks as the clock strikes midnight, lighting fireworks that late on other nights will probably not be appreciated by your neighbors. As a courtesy, you could inform your neighbors in advance when and for how long you plan to set off fireworks so that they are prepared.
In previous years, the City’s July 4th fireworks show at Tumbleweed Park has ended by 9:30 p.m.; Chandler does limit construction noise to no later than 10 p.m., and festival concerts – like those held at Tumbleweed Park during the Ostrich Festival – are usually stopped by 11 p.m. So, when should you stop using fireworks?
Our recommendation (it’s not a rule) is …
Be a good neighbor; do not use fireworks after 10 p.m.
If fireworks are a major problem in your neighborhood and you are compelled to call the police, do not call 911; use the non-emergency phone number: 480-782-4130. Please remember, with a limited number of officers throughout the City and a high volume of noise complaints during holidays, a Chandler Police officer may not be able to respond as quickly as you would like.
Remember, it's important to be safe, courteous, and considerate to your neighbors.
Have a happy Independence Day!