When choosing to live in a community, whether in Chandler, Arizona, or elsewhere, residents often share certain ideals with their neighbors. Determining whether to pursue these shared ideals can dictate whether you live in a safe or unsafe area, attractive or neglected neighborhood, or experience rising or falling property values. In short, your quality of life can be significantly influenced by the enforcement of your community’s shared standards, which include property maintenance, building, zoning and sign codes.
Timely and appropriate education and enforcement of municipal codes require a consistent team effort to ensure everyone abides by the same community standards. This effort focuses on community aesthetics while protecting neighborhoods and businesses from blight and deterioration. Code enforcement also aims to eliminate potential hazards, such as unsafe structures or environmental concerns that may harm public health and safety.
The city's Neighborhood Preservation Division has launched the Code Enforcement Resident Academy to help residents better understand the role of code enforcement in maintaining Chandler’s quality of life and community pride. The inaugural academy includes three sessions, scheduled for Feb. 11, Feb. 20, and Feb. 26, from 4 to 5:30 p.m. at the Chandler Museum, 300 S. Chandler Village Drive. The academy is free for Chandler residents, and registration is open at chandleraz.gov/code.
“Our Code Enforcement team receives many inquiries from residents who are unfamiliar with the city’s property maintenance codes and regulations,” said Erica Barba, Neighborhood Services Program Manager for the city. “We recognize the need to do more to educate the public on the importance of code enforcement, and we hope this academy helps communicate our role to residents.”
Last June, Barba and staff attended the Strategic Code Enforcement Management Academy (SCEMA) at the University of Memphis School of Law, which helped them develop strategic goals for public outreach. The resident academy is a product of that process.
“The more people understand what the codes are and why they exist, the better,” Barba said. “We want to turn participants into community ambassadors who can share their knowledge with neighbors and work together to improve conditions in their neighborhood.”
The Academy is expected to attract residents who have reported neighborhood complaints or received violation notices from Code Enforcement. These individuals may seek a better understanding of why particular codes exist, what constitutes a violation, how to report issues, and how violations are enforced.
Session Highlights
Session 1: Tuesday, Feb. 11 — Overview of the purpose and importance of code enforcement, the enforcement process timeline, and the most common code violations in Chandler.
Barba notes that landscaping issues, such as overgrown weeds, grass, or trees, are among the most common complaints. Issues with inoperable or abandoned vehicles and vehicles parked on unimproved surfaces also frequently arise.
Session 2: Thursday, Feb. 20 — Discussion of code interpretations, setbacks, building permits, accessory dwellings, and temporary signage regulations, including political signs.
“We routinely see reports about non-permitted structures,” Barba said. “People build sheds or other structures without realizing there are setback and permitting requirements. If they contacted the city’s Planning and Development Department first, they could have avoided violations.”
Session 3: Wednesday, Feb. 26 — Rules and regulations for short-term home rentals, the impact of illegal dumping, and how city staff collaborate with businesses to address abandoned shopping carts.
Illegal dumping, particularly in neighborhoods with alleyways, is an ongoing challenge. Many residents are unaware they must maintain the portion of the alley extending from their property line to the center of the alley. Proper maintenance helps prevent fire and safety hazards, such as overgrown and dry vegetation, and reduces hazardous material dumping and the abandonment of appliances and shopping carts.
Barba hopes academy participants will gain a greater appreciation for the work of the city’s 10 code inspectors, who cover more than 65 square miles. “They get to know their assigned neighborhoods and their residents. But they could not be as effective at their jobs without collaboration with residents,” she said.
Effective code enforcement provides many benefits, but it requires ongoing cooperation between city government and residents to identify issues and implement solutions that benefit everyone. This collaboration starts with accountability from each resident and clear communication between neighbors. “We encourage neighbors to talk to one another about issues like overhanging tree limbs, excessive noise, or parking disputes. Many problems can be resolved early through neighborly conversations before escalating into formal complaints,” Barba said.
For more information on Code Enforcement and the new Code Enforcement Resident Academy, visit Chandler Code.
Meet the Trainers

Erica Barba
Neighborhood Services Program Manager

Daniel Darnell
Neighborhood Preservation Officer Lead

Jayme Richins
Neighborhood Preservation Supervisor
This article also was featured in the SanTan Sun News.