Happy #CityHallSelfie Day! Today, City employees celebrate by sharing photos on social media to bring you closer to day-to-day life at City Hall. Although we love to share our behind-the-scenes stories, local government expands far beyond the walls of City Hall, and it begins with the residents of Chandler.
Are you interested in getting more involved with local government in the City of Chandler? Below are just a few ways for you to engage with your local leaders and become a more active voice for your community.
Attend a City Council Meeting
Attending a Council Meeting is an effective way to be a part of the action of local government. Your elected officials generally meet on the second and fourth Thursday of each month to discuss the day’s agenda and vote on important measures affecting Chandler’s residents and businesses.
The Chandler City Council typically meets at 88 E. Chicago St. in the Council Chambers at 6 p.m. when a meeting is scheduled. Should you wish to address the City Council on an issue not on the meeting’s agenda, please call the City Clerk's Office at 480-782-2181 prior to attending.
In-person meetings are open to the public. However, you also have options to view from the comfort and safety of your own home:
Meetings are televised live on the second and fourth Thursday of each month at 6 p.m. and can be viewed on the Chandler Channel or on YouTube. Closed Captioning is available via YouTube.
Council Study Sessions usually take place the Monday prior to a Council meeting and are televised live at 6 p.m. and can be viewed below or on YouTube. Closed Captioning available via YouTube.
Planning & Zoning Commission meetings are televised live on the first and third Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m.
View upcoming meeting schedules, meeting agendas and past meeting minutes to get acquainted with the structure of the City Council.
Join a Board or Commission
Individuals with experience and commitment to a specific area of government can apply to be a part of a Board or Commission.
Boards and Commissions are composed of citizen volunteers who are selected to provide input and assist the Mayor and City Council with setting goals and making decisions, using their expertise to benefit the Chandler community as a whole.
From Arts, Youth, Neighborhood Advisory, Budget, Economic Development, Transportation and many more, the City of Chandler likely has a Board or Commission that deals directly with the community issues you care most about.
If you are interested in serving, get a complete list of Boards and Commissions and review the application to serve. Additionally, check out the Resident's Guide to review the board duties and requirements for membership.
Commission Spotlight: Human Relations Commission

Chandler’s Human Relations Commission, also known as the HRC, was created more than 20 years ago as a way to help bridge communication gaps and prevent a disconnect between City leaders and Chandler’s diverse community.
The commission is made up of a diverse group of individuals, many of whom belong to and hold leadership positions within various community groups and service organizations throughout Chandler.
Over the years, the HRC has provided guidance that has helped rewrite a number of City policies to make Chandler a more inclusive place to live, work and play.
The 11 members of the HRC are appointed by the Mayor to serve three-year terms. Community members can express their interest in serving on the commission at any time.
Get to Know Your Elected Officials

As residents of the City of Chandler, Mayor Kevin Hartke and the members of the Chandler City Council are the elected officials who represent your needs and interests.
The Mayor and Councilmembers are elected "at large" to represent the entire City. The 2020 Chandler City Council includes Mayor Kevin Hartke, Vice Mayor René Lopez, Councilmember Terry Roe, Councilmember Matt Orlando, Councilmember Mark Stewart, Councilmember Jeremy McClymonds and Councilmember Sam Huang.
Information about your elected officials can be found online or on social media. You can also contact the Mayor and Council via email or at 480-782-2200 to begin an inquiry.
Follow the City of Chandler on Social Media
The best way to stay up-to-date on the happenings within the City is to follow and engage with the social media accounts that matter most to you.
Along with helpful information about events, utilities and City services, Chandler’s social media accounts regularly post information about participating in surveys and comment periods related to potential community projects and initiatives.
The City of Chandler’s official pages on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn and Nextdoor are a great place to connect with news and updates from the City as a whole. For additional pages to follow with updates from specific departments and divisions, view our complete list of social media accounts run by the City of Chandler.