This week, I was able to spend time with our Public Works and Utilities Department learning more about one of their many ongoing efforts to ensure Chandler remains and will be a sustainable, safe and beautiful community for our current and future residents, businesses and visitors.
City of Chandler Public Works and Utilities Department is a vital piece of our city structure. Department Responsibilities include:
- Planning, developing, constructing, and maintaining transportation
- Water, wastewater, and reclaimed water management
- Solid waste services
They are also instrumental in the ongoing growth in Chandler, ensuring that our streets and transportation are maintained and updated and that new construction does not affect our water quality.
So, what kind of steps are taken to ensure our streets and transportation facilities are maintained? All Chandler streets are surveyed for pavement quality every three to four years, sooner if necessary. This pavement management and restoration program ensures our City roadways are in good condition through a program that maintains and extends the life of the pavement in a cost-effective way. A large part of this program is our crack-sealing process. Public Works, in partnership with local contractors, seals cracks in our roadways to lengthen the life of the pavement. Many street projects are ongoing concurrently to ensure that all pavement, whether due for update or reported by a resident, is addressed quickly and efficiently.
Now, let’s talk more about the future of our transportation and roadways. The City of Chandler Transportation Master Plan addresses both present and future projects for transportation needs. The master plan is currently undergoing an update to evaluate both the current and future needs of our residents, businesses and visitors to provide support to our community. We make it a priority to stay ahead of aging road infrastructure and to understand the upgrades and improvements necessary to improve safety and capacity in our City. The plan update will take a deeper look at our walkways, sidewalks, paths and trails, as well as our arterial streets and transit system. This is extremely important as our City continues to grow and develop.
May 19 – 25 is National Public Works Week. Please join me in celebrating the many employees who make up this department. It is because of their hard work and dedication that residents, businesses and visitors are able to experience a safe and clean community.
For more information about ongoing projects, visit our Public Works and Utilities Department.