This summer, Adventure Begins at Your Library! The Summer Reading Challenge is a great way for readers of all ages to challenge themselves, explore new adventures, and earn awesome prizes along the way.
The Challenge runs from June 1 to August 1, when readers log the minutes they read each day. By reading just 20 minutes daily, participants can reach the 1000-minute goal to earn a free book. Prizes are also available for all ages by reading 500 and 750 minutes.
To get started, readers should visit the Summer Reading Challenge to register, learn more about bonus activities, and discover all available prizes.
Additionally, participants can earn extra points by visiting Community Experience Partners:
Chandler Nature Center | 4050 E. Chandler Heights Rd.
Vision Gallery | 10 E. Chicago St.
Chandler Museum | 300 S. Chandler Village Dr.
Crayola Experience Chandler | 3111 W. Chandler Blvd. Ste. 2154
Your Chandler Public Library card has access to a diverse collection of books at four locations, and a large collection of e-books and audiobooks. They count toward your Summer Reading Challenge points. To learn more about the libraries and resources available at your fingertips, visit the Chandler Public Library.