Individual Players and Free Agents

The City of Chandler's Adult Sports program receives several inquiries from Individual Players (Free Agents) on a daily basis. Unfortunately, the City of Chandler only processes team registrations for the Adult Sports Softball, Volleyball, Flag Football and Basketball leagues. The Adult Sports Coordinator has compiled a list of options that will assist you in trying to get on a team. Listed below are those five options:

  1. Become a Free Agent - Submit your contact information to the Become a Free Agent List. 
    Become a Free Agent Find a Free Agent

    The Adult Sports program does not charge a fee to be a Free Agent, so it is at the discretion of the coach that adds you to their team, to charge you a fee to play on his/her team. The Free Agents List is maintained by the Adult Sports Coordinator and will be distributed to coaches who are looking for additional players. Please be advised that the contact information you provide will be added to the Free Agents List, which is posted on the Adult Sports web page as public information. Due to the size of this list, your chances are greatly increased if you follow all of the options listed below.
  2. Coach's Meeting - Attend the coaches meeting for the sport you desire. Coaches meetings are held a few weeks prior to the season and there may be coaches at these meetings that are interested in adding individual players to their roster. It is at the discretion of the coach to add you their roster as a permanent or substitute player. Coaches may also refer to the Free Agents List to add players to their team.
  3. Introduce Yourself - Your best chance of participating in our leagues as an individual player is to go to the gym or ball field on the day/night you prefer and introduce yourself to the coach of any of the teams that are getting ready to play. You can also speak with the gym or field site supervisor and they will be able to answer any questions you may have.
  4. Form Your Own Team - Individual players can also form a new team with friends or coworkers and submit a roster for the sport you are interested in. Or you may contact other players on the Free Agents List and try to organize your own team from the list. This option has been successful in the past for several teams.
  5. Like our Facebook Fan Page - The Adult Sports office has developed a Chandler Adult Sports Facebook Fan Page that incorporates league information, key registration dates, league photos/videos and also give individual players an opportunity to share your desire to get on a team here in Chandler. Feel free to "Like" Chandler Adult Sports on Facebook.

PLEASE NOTE: The Adult Sports league Rules & Regulations do not allow a coach to legally add a player to their roster after the third week of games in a season. It is important to try to get on a team roster prior to the third game.