On March 26, 2020 the Chandler City Chandler voted unanimously to approve Resolution No. 5361, which authorizes the extended use of temporary signage to promote Chandler businesses. The resolution also authorizes the City’s Zoning Administrator to waive provisions of Section 39-10 of the City Code, as reasonably necessary to promote local businesses during this current public health emergency.
The added flexibility:
Suspends all time limits on the use of temporary signs;
Waives the requirement to get a permit before displaying a temporary sign;
Authorizes the Zoning Administrator to temporarily waive further provisions of Section 39-10 of the Chandler City Code as reasonably necessary to promote increased economic activity in Chandler while this resolution is in effect;
Declares this resolution will expire upon formal action of the Chandler City Council.
Thirty days after the Chandler City Council terminates this resolution, businesses will need to apply for the use of temporary signs pursuant to the normal City process. However, the use of temporary signage per this resolution shall not be counted against the annual maximum allowable temporary sign period.
This resolution does not allow for deviation from existing temporary signage regulations.
This resolution does not infringe upon any covenants, conditions and restrictions that may exist between a property owner and tenant.
For questions or more information, contact Joseph Sauer with the City’s Development Services Department at 480-782-3065.