Chandler’s first step towards them more sustainable future is finding ways to reduce our energy consumption. Electricity from APS and SRP provides the power to lighter buildings, heat and cooler offices, and provides fuel for city fleet.
Some of the biggest challenges for the city is determining how to reduce costs and reduce energy usage overall prior to finding ways to increase energy production. The city is conducting building assessments and energy audits to find the fixtures and facilities that perform the worst. Steps are now in place to conduct those energy retrofits to reduce energy conception.
Recent Energy Savings

LED Streetlight Conversion Program
The LED street light replacement project which consists of replacing 28,000+ lights will save the City more than $670,000 annually. These savings will be used to hire more police officers.
Decreased Electrical Usage
Since 2019 the City's electrical usage has decreased nearly 14%. Future energy audits, LED street light replacements, and other energy retrofits will continue to drive this percentage higher.
Decreased Carbon Footprint
Since 2020, the City's carbon footprint has decreased by more than 11%.