CHANDLER, Ariz. – Chandler City Council awarded two agreements that will allow for improvements to Chandler Heights Road between Gilbert Road and Val Vista Drive.
A construction agreement was awarded to Sunland Asphalt & Construction, LLC in an amount not to exceed $9,784,943. A related professional services agreement, including contractor oversight, inspections, schedule review and public outreach, was awarded to Consultant Engineering, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $1,035,646.10.
The Chandler Heights Road Improvements Project will widen the roadway to include two through lanes in the eastbound and westbound directions from Gilbert Road to Val Vista Drive. The project scope of work also includes the addition of bike lanes, a raised landscaped median, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) upgrades that include curb, gutter and sidewalk work, upgraded traffic signals, streetlights, storm drainage, block walls and utility improvements. This project also includes work and coordination with Salt River Project for undergrounding the overhead distribution lines.
Construction is anticipated to begin in early January 2025.
An adjacent segment of Chandler Heights Road, from McQueen to Gilbert roads, is currently approaching completion of construction. This segment will be fully reopened prior to construction commencing between Gilbert Road and Val Vista Drive.
The improvements on Chandler Heights between Gilbert and Val Vista roads will benefit from the amount of private development improvements that have already occurred, making it less complex than the work from McQueen to Gilbert roads.
For more information on road projects in Chandler, visit road construction and traffic restrictions.
Media contact:
Toni Smith
Marketing and Communications Manager
Office 480-782-2701