Poston Appointed to Regional Transportation Policy Committee

Jan. 24, 2025
Councilmember Jane Poston

Chandler, Ariz. – Councilmember Jane Poston has been appointed to represent Chandler on the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) Transportation Policy Committee. The committee oversees regional transportation planning and policy as well as the implementation of projects funded by the half-cent county sales tax dedicated to transportation.

This past November, Maricopa County voters approved Proposition 479, which extended the county sales tax dedicated to transportation through 2045. That funding is expected to provide more than $800 million towards improvements to regional freeways, transit services and arterial streets in Chandler.

“This appointment allows me to further represent the interests of Chandler as we implement regionally funded transportation projects,” said Councilmember Poston. “I am committed to ensuring our community’s prosperity and well-being through these regional investments and long-range planning.”

Chandler has leveraged federal dollars and regional grants to enhance the transportation network available for residents. This policy committee is an essential part of the regional governing process to allocate funding for those improvements. The Frye Road Protected Bike Lane project is the latest example for Chandler as approximately 95 percent of the project cost will be covered through federal funds awarded through MAG’s process.

The committee is made up of members representing cities, towns and Native nations in Maricopa County, plus members representing the Arizona State Transportation Board, Maricopa County Board of Supervisors and stakeholders in the business community and transportation industry.

Poston began serving on the Chandler City Council in January 2023. In addition to her appointment to MAG, she serves on the National League of Cities Public Safety and Crime Prevention Committee.