The Exterior Home Improvement Loan Program provides no-interest forgivable loans for exterior improvements to single-family owner-occupied homes, condos and townhouses. Homeowners must qualify as having low- to moderate-household income.
Program Highlights
- Provides up to $20,000 for exterior home improvements to remediate safety and sanitation issues as determined by city staff
- 100 percent of the loan is forgiven after five years
Eligibility Requirements
- Chandler resident and Legal resident
- One year minimum proof of homeownership
- Must meet HUD income qualifications
- Income & assets for all occupants over 18 years must be reported
- Home must be City Code compliant
- Current on mortgage and tax payments
Types of Eligible Exterior Improvements
Replacement and/or repair of windows/exterior doors, roofs, exterior painting, fence/walls, stucco, front yard landscaping, security doors, concrete drives, pool fence, front porch lighting, weatherization and other work approved by city staff.
For more information about the available programs, please call the Housing Rehabilitation Hotline at 480-782-4323.