Water Conservation Brochures & Resources

The City of Chandler Water Conservation Office provides free literature about ways to conserve water in your home and in your landscape to Chandler utility customers. Please allow up to 10 business days for delivery.

Order Brochures

Landscape Plants for the Arizona Desert

Landscape Plants for the Arizona Desert

The ultimate guide to choosing beautiful, water-efficient plants for your landscape. Featuring over 200 drought-tolerant species, each detailed with important characteristics and accompanied by a photo for reference. This resource is organized into easy-to-navigate charts, making it effortless to find the perfect plants for your garden.

Xeriscape: Landscaping with Style in the Arizona Desert

Xeriscape: Landscaping with Style in the Arizona Desert

A step-by-step guide for planting, installing and caring for your landscape. Excellent photos of landscape ideas, colorful plant combinations, design ideas and examples of Xeriscape.


Landscape Watering by the Numbers

Landscape Watering by the Numbers

A guide for watering in the Arizona desert, this easy-to-follow brochure will provide information on how to water efficiently, maintain healthy plants, and save water throughout the year. 



Landscape Watering Guidelines Irrigation Card

Landscape Watering Guidelines Irrigation Card

This plastic card gives you a schedule for watering your plants, including turf. By following these guidelines you can reduce your landscape watering from 30 - 50 percent and still have a lush, attractive yard.

Available in Spanish.


Ten Good Reasons to Take Out Your Grass

Ten Good Reasons to Take Out Your Grass

Would you prefer lower water bills and spend less time mowing your lawn? This brochure has step-by-step instructions for removing grass and tips for success. 

Available in Spanish.


Desert Lawn Care

Desert Lawn Care

Follow the easy, practical advice offered in this guide to help you maintain a healthy, beautiful, and water-efficient lawn. 

Available in Spanish. 


Smart Home Water Guide

Smart Home Water Guide

Find and Fix Leaks that are Draining Your Budget. A step-by-step manual for tracking down leaks inside and outside your home.

Available in Spanish.


Water Saving Tips

Water Wise Landscaping

This online tool allows you to view photos of over 600 low-water-use plants as well as examples of actual landscapes. You can build a database of plants and their specifications that you can save for future reference. Dozens of categories cover landscape design, plant selection, hardscape choices, irrigation, and landscape maintenance in a visually compelling and interactive format. This should help you create a beautiful landscape that can be more fragrant and colorful, and might also attract butterflies or hummingbirds.

Online Only.

Water Conservation Office
