Construction Bids for CIP

Current Construction Bid Documents are available for download below.  Notification of bid posting is available on the Arizona Procurement Portal.

A contractor who wishes to submit a bid proposal may download the Bid Documents and any Addenda posted by the City of Chandler below. It is the contractor's sole responsibility to obtain any and all addenda from the city website prior to submitting their bid proposal and to acknowledge receipt and acceptance of the addenda in their bid proposal submittal. No separate notification of addenda will be issued. The city recommends that contractors regularly check this webpage for updated information.

Any interested contractors without internet access may download the complete solicitation and addenda below at any public library or contact Capital Projects at 480-782-3308.

The city's solicitations and contracts for construction and construction services are administered by the Public Works and Utilities Department, Capital Projects Division.

The city does not maintain or distribute planholders lists.

Construction Bids
Invitation to BID - City Project No. WW2206.403 - Hamilton Street Reclaimed Water Transmission Main Queen Creek Road to Ryan Road
Pre-BID Conference: There will be no pre-bid conference.
Solicitation Questions Due Date:

Sept 26, 2024

5:00 p.m.

Arizona time

All solicitation questions must be emailed to with the subject line of ““WW2206.403 Hamilton Street Reclaimed Water Transmission Main: Queen Creek Road to Ryan Road BID QUESTION”.   Questions received after the due date and time will NOT be considered.
BID Submission:

Oct 10, 2024

3:00 p.m.

Arizona time

Sealed bids must be delivered to the City of Chandler Capital Projects Office located at 215 East Buffalo Street, Chandler, Arizona, 85225.  Bids must be received on or before date and time specified.  At that time, bids will be publicly opened and read aloud in the South Atrium Conference Room.  Bids received after the due date and time will be returned unopened without consideration.

All bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope plainly marked as follows:


 _____________________________, CONTRACTOR

FOR:   Hamilton Street Reclaimed Water Transmission Main: Queen Creek Road to Ryan Road



Project No. WW2206.403 - Construction Bid Document

Project No. WW2206.403 - Plans

Bid Results