Major upgrades to Chandler’s parks and recreation amenities were most notable at Tumbleweed Park, while training and tech made city services accessible to serve the unique needs of residents. In 2024, City Council took action to prevent teen violence, continue the tradition of excellent financial stewardship and represent Chandler’s interests on policy committees.

71.4% Single Family Homes
21.3% Apartments
5.5% Condos
1.8% Mobile Homes

Tumbleweed Park
Major upgrades to park facilities were made possible through the support of Chandler voters who approved bonds in 2021 for park investments.

Tumbleweed Diamond Field Complex
Completed in September 2024, the new Diamond Complex hosts four lighted fields, restroom facilities, ample parking and seating.

Tumbleweed Recreation Center
The expansion of the recreation center will open in spring 2025, providing space for active and passive recreation programs targeting all ages and ability levels.

Tumbleweed Park Pickleball Facility
Construction of the Tumbleweed Park Pickleball Facility began in 2024 to build 18 outdoor pickleball courts plus expand the Chandler Tennis Center to add three new tennis courts and lighting updates.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Strategic Plan

Chandler’s Diversity Equity and Inclusion Strategic Plan was honored as the winner of the 2024 International City/County Management Association’s Local Government Excellence Awards in Community Equity and Inclusion. This organization, consisting of more than 13,000 local government professionals, is dedicated to creating and sustaining thriving communities worldwide.
Instant Language Translation Service
A key part of the award-winning strategic plan is making city services accessible through the use of language translation devices that allow for real-time, on-demand conversations in more than 200 languages and dialects.
These devices were strategically placed in high-traffic departments and provided to field staff as portable tools, enabling efficient, real-time language assistance for in-person and community-based services. Each device integrates HIPAA-compliant AI, preset phrases and access to live interpreters, allowing them to assist individuals with language barriers, mobility challenges and other accessibility needs.
ILA by the Numbers

Certified Autism Center

The Chandler Fire Department and Chandler Parks & Recreation Divisions earned Certified Autism Center designations. This achievement includes training and education materials for residents with sensory sensitivities who visit our recreation and aquatic centers.
Passport Fair

Chandler held a Passport Fair in recognition of being honored by the U.S. Department of State, Western Passport Center, for 30 years of exceptional service as a Passport Application Acceptance facility.
Teen Violence Laws

In response to incidents of teen violence in the East Valley, Chandler City Council passed laws to prohibit unruly gatherings and the possession of brass knuckles by people under 18 years old. Chandler Mayor Kevin Hartke also issued a proclamation to the Lord family declaring September 23 as Preston Lord Day to honor his birthday.
Financial Excellence
Chandler became the first municipality in Arizona to receive AAA/Aaa ratings across the board for its general obligation and excise tax revenue bonds. This historic rating is a direct result of Chandler’s excellent financial decisions, which translates to lower interest rates on debt, which benefits taxpayers.
City Council Represents Chandler

Members of the City Council were named to key roles on regional, state and national public policy committees to represent the interests of Chandler.
- Hartke named Arizona League president
- Hartke named Maricopa Association of Governments Chair
- Harris named Chair of Valley Metro RPTA Board of Directors
- Orlando re-elected to the National League of Cities Board of Directors
- Ellis Appointed to Two National Committees
- Poston serves on NLC Public Safety & Crime Prevention Committee
- Encinas named to NLC Under 40 Impact Award
Passion for Service
Serving Chandler is a passion for members of Team Chandler. An emphasis on organizational values, teamwork and community engagement continues to be essential to our workforce.