Zoning Code and Amendments

The Zoning Code is a tool used by the City to implement the Chandler General Plan. The Planning Division prepares zoning code amendments to address changing needs of the community.

Chandler Zoning Code
This link will take you to Municode.com to view Chandler's Zoning Code, which is Chapter 35 of the City of Chandler Municipal Code.

Interactive Planning Map
The interactive panning map provides a variety of information including property zoning, rezoning requests and proposed preliminary development plans, and group home locations. While efforts have been made to provide the most accurate and up-to-date information, the City of Chandler makes no warranties, written or implied, regarding the information presented on this map. Users are responsible for assessing the accuracy of the information contained in the zoning map and should always contact a City Planner at 480-782-3050 to verify information.

Unified Development Manual
The Zoning Code can also be accessed by clicking on the Unified Development Manual (UDM) link above. The UDM, which contains more than three hundred pages, is a compilation of legislated municipal regulations, administrative procedures, technical standards and construction specifications. Electronic access enables quick reference to this information and allows users to print out applicable provisions, forms, and standard details.

Zoning Code Amendments
Listed below are adopted and proposed amendments to the Chandler Zoning Code (since January 2000), any of which can be accessed through the Chandler City Code or the Unified Development Manual.

Zoning Code Amendment SubjectOrdinanceStaff MemoDate Approved
Citizen Review Process3139Staff_Memo_00-11605/11/2000
City Center District (CCD)3163Staff_Memo_PZ00-11707/10/2000
Commercial Design Standards3262Staff Memo 01-129 Staff Memo_01-01505/10/2001
Large Single Use Retail (aka Big Box)3290Staff_Memo_01-18908/09/2001
MF-2 Zoning District3320Staff_Memo_01-30512/10/2001
CCD Sign Code Amendment3316Staff_Memo_01-29612/13/2001
Planned Area Development (PAD)3411Staff_Memo_02-18211/07/2002
Group Homes3421Staff_Memo_03-003 Staff Memo 02-21601/23/2003
Wireless Facilities3415Staff_Memo_03-01904/10/2003
Expanded Notification Requirements3640Staff Memo 04-25812/18/2004
Extension of Liquor Premises in CCD Staff Memo 07-07504/26/2007
Artwork in Commercial Developments3997Staff Memo 07-31001/31/2008
Temporary Signage4182Staff Memo 09-12110/19/2009
Temporary Signage4218Staff Memo 10-05705/13/2010
Non-Commercial Signage4209Staff Memo 10-05405/13/2010
Wireless Communication Facilities4216Staff Memo 10-05205/13/2010
Extension of Premises to serve liquor in PAD4206, 4207Staff Memo 10-06906/22/2010
Medical Marijuana4278Contact staff at 480-782-3000 for info02/24/2011
Outdoor patio fencing (downtown area)4280Staff Memo 11-01102/24/2011
Sign Code / Temporary Signage4288Staff Memo 11-05606/23/2011
Solar Energy Systems4302Staff Memo 11-05506/23/2011
Table of Permitted Uses4311Staff Memo 11-05706/23/2011
Parking and Loading Regulations4375Staff Memo 12-07708/13/2012
Sign Code / Tenant Panels on Monument Signs4411Staff Memo 12-15612/13/2012
Group Homes, Adult Care Homes, Residential Care Homes4513Staff Memo 13-14211/08/2013
ZCA14-0001 Zoning Code (misc. housekeeping) Amendments4567Staff Memo 14-09710/20/2014
ZCA 150001 Adaptive Reuse Overlay District4685Staff Memo 15-16701/28/2016
ZCA16-0002 Sign Code Amendment (Chapter 39 - Sign Code)
ZCA16-0002 Sign Code Amendment (Chapter 46 - Encroachments)
Staff Memo 17-063
Staff Memo 17-064
ZCA17-0001 Medical Marijuana Amendment Notice of Public Hearings 
ZCA18-0001 Autonomous Vehicles Staff Memo 18-024 
ZCA18-0002 Transition from Liquor Use Permits to Entertainment Use Permits4846Staff Memo 18-112FA12/10/2018
PLH19-0061 Development Services Code Amendments4931Staff Memo 20-032FA08/13/2020
PLH20-0041 Historic Preservation Ordinance4936Staff Memo DS20-0043FA11/02/2020
PLH21-0063 Backyard Chickens 
5035Staff Memo 22-056FA12/5/2022
PLH22-0053 Data Centers
5033Staff Memo 22-0057FA12/8/2022
PLH22-0060 Medical Marijuana Code Amendment Ordinance5044Staff Memo 23-0001FA02/9/2023
PLH23-0026 City Code Amendments related to Zoning, Property Maintenance, & Refuse5075Staff Memo 24-007FA02/22/2024