Environmental Management

The Environmental Management Division provides environmental (air, water, and waste) compliance guidance and oversight to city operations and facilities. The Division also provides oversight for environmental due diligence during property acquisitions, maintains the central environmental compliance files, manages clean-up activities when environmental spills occur on city property and reports activities to the proper regulatory agency.

Compliance Files Maintained:

  • Phase I, II, and III records for various properties throughout Chandler
  • Air Permits
  • Dust Permits
  • Compliance submissions to State, County, and other regulatory agencies
  • Asbestos Surveys for more than 100 different Chandler-owned properties
  • Waste manifests and shipping records
  • Tier II chemical storage reports
  • Historical environmental regulatory compliance documents

The Division also coordinates the city's efforts to address the concern of air pollution in the Phoenix Metropolitan by ensuring that city operations comply with PM-10 requirements. The city's area efforts are reported annually to the Maricopa Association Governments (MAG) or the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality. The city's steady progress in its efforts can be reviewed in the MAG Progress Reports.

Report an Environmental Concern


Maricopa County's Clean Air Campaign

Particulate Matter (PM 10)

For an environmental concern, general questions, or would like to report a specific issue, please use the following links:

For environmental questions related to city facilities, please contact 480-782-2387.