CHANDLER, Ariz. – Chandler City Council approved significant investments in asphalt and concrete street maintenance at their meeting on Oct. 19. This will nearly double the city’s capital improvement program investment in city streets for FY 2023-24 from $17.3 million planned last year to $33.4 million adopted in this year’s capital program.
Chandler’s pavement management restoration and repaving program ensures the quality of city-maintained roadways through preventative maintenance and rehabilitation.
City Council approved two agreements with M.R. Tanner Development and Construction, Inc., for street maintenance repaving, surface seal, and repair services. Another agreement approved by Council was with Vincon Engineering Construction, LLC, for concrete repair maintenance services to make Americans with Disability Act (ADA) improvements on pedestrian ramps and sidewalk panels. Federal law requires state and local governments to bring pedestrian routes into compliance prior to beginning road rehabilitation projects, including asphalt repaving.
For more information about street maintenance and current roadway construction, please visit Streets and Roadways.
Media Contact:
Toni Smith
Marketing and Communications Manager
Office 480-782-2701