The City of Chandler participates in the Maricopa Regional Service System to prevent and end homelessness in Maricopa County. Currently, our region’s needs are outpacing capacity for affordable housing, emergency shelter resources, and supportive services, leaving older adults and persons with disabilities, families with children, and single individuals without a place to call home, or a safe, temporary alternative. The ultimate goal is to ensure homelessness is rare, brief and non-recurrent.
ChangeUp: Change the Way You GiveLong-term assistance starts with the way we give. Change the way you give financially, as a volunteer, as an advocate. |
Factors contributing to homelessness:
- Increased cost of living, particularly housing costs, across the region
- Underfunded health and behavioral health service systems
- Substance abuse and mental health
- Loss of income
- Prior criminal justice involvement, impacting the ability to access housing and employment
- Negative impacts on youth involved in the child welfare system
- Education and employment gaps making housing unattainable and unaffordable

Point-in-Time (PIT) Homeless Count
The PIT Homeless Count is an annual street and shelter count that determines the number of people experiencing homelessness in Maricopa County during a given point in time.

Move-In Kit Donations
The City utilizes a variety of federal and local programs to help vulnerable populations obtain housing. Once they move in, they often are in need of basic household items to help them get settled. There are several ways you can help make a difference and provide hope to these families, seniors or veterans in need.

Response to Homelessness
The City of Chandler works alongside surrounding cities and Maricopa County. As unsheltered homelessness continues to increase and spread across the region, effective solutions will require increased collaboration within the region.
- Community Action Program (CAP): The City of Chandler supports AZCEND's CAP, which provides assistance to Chandler residents who are low income and facing a financial crisis. The program provides intake/eligibility services, referrals, financial education, free tax preparation, case management and direct financial assistance for rent and utility assistance.
- Basic Needs: The City of Chandler supports basic need providers to enable community members to resolve an immediate crisis and continue their efforts towards stability. These organizations provide clothing, food, child care, medical services, diapers, hygiene items and other household items for individuals and families who are working but struggling to make a living wage. These participants are recently unemployed or making less than 150% of the federal poverty limit
For a complete list, visit For Our City - Chandler.
- Navigation Services: The City of Chandler operates a comprehensive homeless navigation program called Chandler Connect. The program assists persons experiencing unsheltered homelessness in Chandler to obtain permanent housing and supportive services necessary to maintain long-term stability.
The Chandler Connect Team is staffed by professional clinicians and certified peer support specialists who provide services seven days a week. Services include outreach and assessment, connection to health and behavioral health services, transportation, assistance navigating the criminal justice system, and temporary housing.
If you are in need of housing or services, or concerned about someone who is, please contact the Chandler Connect Team at 480-782-4349 or Homeless Outreach.
- Point in Time (PIT) Count: The PIT Homeless Count is an annual street and shelter count that determines the number of people experiencing homelessness in Maricopa County during a given point in time. The count happens each year in January and the City of Chandler needs people to volunteer for the count.
Interested in volunteering? Contact Homeless Outreach.
- Interfaith Homeless Emergency Lodging Program (I-HELP): I-HELP, which began in 2013, provides a safe place to sleep and a hot meal for adults experiencing homelessness every night of the week. I-HELP also offers case management services to connect individuals to vital resources needed to regain stability and end their homelessness. The program is operated by AZCEND, which partners with a network of faith-based organizations, including 18 religious congregations that provide food and shelter for the program. The program has very few requirements, with the intention of serving persons with multiple barriers.
- Family Shelter: City of Chandler supports shelters for families by collaborating with A New Leaf and Save the Family. To access these services, families should call the Family Housing Hub at 602-595-8700.
- Rapid Rehousing: In 2013, the City began a Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) program for single individuals and families experiencing homelessness. The program provides medium-term rental housing assistance for 20 households. The City partners with AZCEND to provide wrap-around supportive services while tenants are receiving a rental subsidy, as well as transitional support as they move on to permanent housing and their greatest level of independence.
- Public Housing/Housing Choice Voucher Chronic Homeless Preference: In 2017, the City instituted a preference for persons experiencing chronic homelessness for the 303 Public Housing units (200 multi-family units and 103 single-family scattered sites) and 486 Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers. The intent of the preference is to assist persons who are extremely vulnerable in accessing housing resources.
- Landlord Engagement: In 2015, the City of Chandler significantly increased efforts to engage landlords in opportunities to partner with the City and local nonprofit organizations to serve households experiencing homelessness. The initiative includes outreach to local landlords, information sessions regarding the housing programs, publication of a landlord’s guide to participation, and maintenance of a real-time landlord listing.
- Workforce Development: In 2015, the City of Chandler, in partnership with AZCEND, established the coordination of employment services with housing and homeless assistance to ensure job development and training opportunities are available for persons experiencing homelessness. In addition, St. Joseph the Worker has a weekly presence at AZCEND to provide Employment focused case management services.
- Interdepartmental Collaboration: The Chandler Police, Fire and Neighborhood Resources Departments have worked closely together to serve persons experiencing homelessness for many years. In 2017, the City formalized an Interdepartmental Homeless Operations Team (IHOT) to ensure a coordinated citywide response to ending homelessness. IHOT member departments include Police, Fire, City Prosecutor’s Office, Neighborhood Resources, Law, Community Services, and Public Works. Members meet monthly to discuss opportunities and concerns impacting multiple departments, develop plans to assist vulnerable residents and impacted neighborhoods and businesses, and leverage resources and expertise.
- Training for Law Enforcement: In 2017, a computer-based training presentation was created to educate Chandler Police Officers about homeless outreach and engagement services, and other resources within the Chandler community. The training is required of all sworn staff. In addition, the Police Department has increased the amount of Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) required for police officers, resulting in improved outcomes for persons in crisis.
Local Homeless Resources