Residential Water Conservation Rebates

Chandler's residential rebate programs have helped residents permanently reduce water use for more than three decades. Active utility account holders and property owners can apply to take advantage of these great programs. The City of Chandler offers rebates for replacing grass lawns with xeriscape (low water use) landscape, installing a new xeriscape landscape at a newly constructed home, or installing a smart irrigation controller.

The average residential grass conversion saves 75,000 gallons each year and smart controllers save about 11,000 gallons after the first year. Rebate funds are limited and will be processed until funds are depleted. Review rebate guidelines and apply.

Read the Residential Grass Removal Rebate Policy: $2/sq. ft. up to $3,000

  1. At least 500 square feet of grass must be removed unless all remaining grass is removed from the property and a waiver is issued by the Public Works & Utilities Water Conservation Office.
  2. After installation, a minimum of 50% of the landscaped area must be non-grass with inorganic or organic top dressing with drought-resistant trees, shrubs, groundcovers, flowering perennials, succulents, etc.
  3. Non-pervious materials such as black plastic sheeting are not permitted in the rebated area.
  4. If artificial turf is used, it must be tacked down per manufacturer’s specifications, cannot include sprinkler irrigation, and must not exceed 1,000 square feet.
  5. No fountains, pools, or other water-intensive features are permitted in the conversion area.
  6. Please read and understand the Residential Grass Removal Rebate Policy before submitting your application.
  7. If your rebate amount will exceed $599, please submit a W-9 with your application.

Landscape Design Requirements

Dozens of design examples to help you plan your landscape can be found at Water Wise Landscaping in Chandler. There are more than 600 photos of low-water-use plants to choose from and allows you to build a database of plants with their specifications that you can save for future reference. This should help you make the switch from a thirsty turf to a beautiful landscape that can be more fragrant and colorful or may attract butterflies or hummingbirds.

Apply for a Rebate 

This is a two-part process. Please submit a completed Pre-Grass-Removal Notice to Proceed Application Form prior to starting your project.

Apply for Rebate Notice to Proceed or Final Approval Policy Check for Eligibility

Notice to Proceed (NtP) is required for all grass removal projects. Once an applicant receives an NtP from the Water Conservation staff, projects can proceed with the landscape conversion. Grass removed before receiving an NtP will not qualify. Please reach out to Water Conservation if you have any questions about the rebate process or requirements to qualify.

Applications are generally processed within 10 business days. Funds are limited. Rebates will be processed until funds are depleted.

Smart Irrigation Controller Rebate Program Policy: Up to $250

Is a 'Smart' Irrigation Controller Right for You?

  • Do you want to reduce your water bill?
  • Have you considered using new landscape technology to improve your irrigation?
  • Have you ever wondered how much water your lawn really needs to look good and healthy?

If you answered 'yes' to any of these questions, you may be ready for a 'Smart' irrigation controller.

These irrigation controllers use current weather data and specific site conditions, such as rain, wind, slope, soil type, plant type, and more to apply the right amount of water to the landscape. 

The use of smart irrigation controllers may qualify for a rebate of 50 percent of the actual cost of the controller (excluding taxes and installation costs) up to $250.

  • Applicants are eligible to receive one (1) Smart Irrigation Controller rebate every five (5) years.


  • Learn Where to Find Smart Controllers in Chandler and the East Valley. 
  • Visit EPA WaterSense for a complete list of qualifying smart controllers. Be sure to check the 'Weather Data Source' column to see if additional components are required, such as weather sensors or collection units.
  • Read Frequently Asked Questions about Smart Controllers.

Apply for a Rebate 

Available Oct. 1, 2023. 

Apply for Rebate Policy

In order to process your rebate, please attach three images to the online application including: an image of the receipt, a picture of the controller installed to the home, and a screenshot of the watering schedule programmed on the mobile app.

Applications are generally processed within 10 business days. Funds are limited. Rebates will be processed until funds are depleted.