Chandler offers an excellent quality of life with great schools and job opportunities, which makes our community a highly desirable housing market. Gain insight into residential development and measures being taken to address the supply and affordability of housing. State law prohibits cities from implementing controls on rent increases and requiring affordable housing as a condition of residential zoning. With that said, our priorities are to:
- Create more housing of all types and income levels
- Keep affordable housing in good repair
- Help people stay in housing through temporary assistance
Development and Land Use
Today, there are more than 112,000 total housing units in Chandler, offering single-family and multi-family housing options for residents.
Current Housing Types

While some new single-family neighborhoods are awaiting development, most future residential housing in Chandler will occur through infill and redevelopment projects.
Planning has fostered innovation and investment that made Chandler into the city we are today. About 93 percent of the land available has been developed. Less than two percent of the remaining land is designated for residential development. The rest is designated for employment uses. This interactive planning map provides locations of recently approved or pending residential developments.
- Multifamily development by the private sector has outpaced single family homes during the past 10 years
- More than 8,400 multifamily units have been completed in Chandler since 2013
- Nearly 7,000 single-family homes have been completed since 2013
- Nearly 2,500 additional single and multifamily housing units have been approved for development since November 2020.
- Those units are either under construction or pending development
- Strategic Framework Neighborhoods Focus
- To sustain an exceptional quality of life for Chandler residents, preservation and enhancement of neighborhoods is paramount:
- Preserve neighborhood quality
- Streamline processes to approve housing options
- Promote the viability of neighborhoods
- Preserve and recognize our historic buildings and neighborhoods
- To sustain an exceptional quality of life for Chandler residents, preservation and enhancement of neighborhoods is paramount:
- Chandler General Plan
- Provide for a variety of housing choices for all income levels
- Encourage private investment in affordable housing
- Increase capacity for and coordination of affordable housing programs and projects
- Concentrate on improving housing affordability citywide
- Encourage compatible infill projects
- Chandler Public Housing Plan
- Redevelop public housing sites to provide housing affordability options for seniors and families
- Use grants to help low-income homeowners address emergency or minor repairs
- Working to meet the needs of those across the housing continuum
- Affordable Housing
- Workforce/Attainable Housing
- Market Rate Housing
- Review development codes and other tools to facilitate diversity of housing choices
- Initiate redevelopment of Chandler’s public housing units with a focus on maintaining senior housing options
Affordable Housing
Affordable housing describes specific types of subsidized housing programs available to the working poor and those with low-income to secure housing. Chandler has operated a Housing and Urban Development (HUD) designated, high-performing Public Housing Authority since 1972.
Voucher Types
Programs to Get/Stay in Home
Housing Inventory

Chandler owns and operates 303 units of public housing at 5 different locations and 11 units of affordable housing.

Chandler Public Housing Authority houses more than 1,000 people in public housing.
- 79% of Households are Single Parents
- 42% of Households on Fixed Income
- 24% of Households are Seniors
- 21% of Households are Disabled

Chandler administers 486 Housing Choice Vouchers to assist low-income families, the elderly, and people with disabilities to afford decent, safe, and sanitary housing in the private market.
- 41% of Households are Disabled
- 27% Households are Seniors

Chandler supports a Community Land Trust Program that currently has 69 homes, all sold to low- and moderate-income homebuyers.

Chandler supports Community Housing Development Organizations through the Maricopa HOME Consortium, which allocates 15% of federal HOME funds to develop and support affordable rental housing and homeownership opportunities.
- The A.R.M. of Save the Family Foundation has purchased 17 homes in Chandler through this program.
Redevelopment of Affordable Housing Properties

In October 2022, Chandler City Council approved the first phase of redevelopment of Chandler’s public housing to create new affordable units
- Groundbreaking for the Villas on McQueen development
- New 157-unit multifamily development of subsidized affordable housing with priority given to seniors, veterans, and persons with disabilities

Proposals under review to identify options for redevelopment of two public housing sites located at 210 N. McQueen Road and 73 S. Hamilton St.
- Redevelopment of properties could yield upwards of 200 additional units
- Housing of special populations such as seniors, persons with disabilities and veterans to be given priority
Types of Housing Assistance Programs in Chandler
Affordable housing is a priority for everyone. But let’s get real, understanding the basic terms of housing assistance can be confusing … but it doesn’t have to be. Here’s a breakdown of the three types of housing assistance programs in Chandler.