Chandler is recognized among the safest cities in the nation with fire and police departments that are accredited and elite in their field. Continued investment in people, systems and technology ensure the community’s safety. Innovative partnerships and programs extend our ability to address emerging community safety needs.
Chandler Municipal Court

Advancing Court Technology
Technology is advancing access to services at the Chandler Municipal Court. The award-winning live online chat feature enhanced customer access to court services in multiple languages and was recognized by the Arizona Supreme Court, Administrative Office of the Courts and LiveHelpNow.
Live streaming of courtroom audio is another online feature launched in 2023. Chandler also collaborated with the Arizona Department of Public Safety to implement online criminal history reporting.

Hosted ACP's Entire 8th Grade Class
Chandler Municipal Court hosted Arizona College Prep’s entire 8th grade to learn about the criminal justice system and city services.
By the Numbers
Chandler Police and Fire

Achieving accreditation since 1996
Chandler Police completed the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies in November 2023. The department has achieved accreditation since 1996 by demonstrating excellence in management and service delivery.

Working toward 5th reaccreditation
Chandler Fire is working in 2024 to achieve its fifth reaccreditation through the Center for Public Safety Excellence. It requires the Fire Department to fulfill all-hazard, performance targets for fire and emergency services.
Improving First Responders’ Health and Wellness
Cancer prevention and diagnosis services for firefighters reduce risk and mitigate exposure to carcinogens. A Federal Emergency Management Agency grant provided access to screenings, scans, blood work and other tests for early detection of cancers.
Police officer health screenings for early detection of heart disease provide officers with a complete understanding of their metabolic status and cardiovascular risk, including health and wellness recommendations.
Chandler Police Department

Low Crime Rate
Chandler’s crime rate hit historically low levels in 2023 through police efforts to develop and maintain community partnerships, reduce crime and improve the quality of life in neighborhoods. This achievement reflects the supportive relationship between our community and police, the dedication of Chandler Police, and the effectiveness of a crime-fighting strategy that has produced a steady decline in serious crime during the past decade.

Forensics Sciences
Chandler Police are preparing to relocate its accredited laboratory to a new facility. A feasibility study detailed the optimal layout to handle existing and future caseloads, including expanding technology and services for drug toxicology, DNA and firearms.
American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors awarded the Chandler Police Forensic Service Section a Foresight Maximus Award, which recognizes the nation’s top-performing laboratories.

Human Trafficking
Chandler is tackling the issue of human trafficking head-on. City employees completed training through the Arizona Anti-Trafficking Network to identify human trafficking and take action. Chandler Police also are investing more than $2.5 million in grants and state funding to support technology and investigations targeted at human trafficking and Internet Crimes Against Children.

New Analyst Award
Arizona Association of Crime Analysts recognized Team Chandler’s Amanda Dahl with the New Analyst Award, acknowledging a stand-out analyst on the job fewer than two years.

Behavioral Health Response
The integration of crisis and human service clinicians with police dispatchers diverted more than 400 calls to behavioral health providers. Officers also called upon the city’s community navigators to provide a broader scope of care for members of our community who are experiencing homelessness. Both these programs freed up police resources to address other public safety needs.
Chandler Fire Department

Emergency Medical Response
American Heart Association awarded Chandler Fire the Mission: Lifeline Gold, a recognition given to leaders in cardiovascular care who demonstrate a profound commitment to saving lives and improving patient outcomes.
Arizona Department of Health Services recognized Chandler Fire through the Premier Emergency Medical Services Agency, Save Hearts in Arizona Registry & Education and Treat and Refer programs for outstanding care and adherence to strict guidelines.

Fire Station Rebuild
Rebuilding Fire Station No. 2, Chandler’s busiest, provides capacity for a second fire engine unit to address the call volume and demand for emergency services in this area of north Chandler.

Paramedic School
Chandler Fire completed two Paramedic School academic classes, resulting in 24 graduates becoming the newest paramedics to serve Chandler.
Chandler Fire will complete paramedic school accreditation in 2024 through the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs to offer regional paramedic classes for college credits.
First Responder Recruitment
First responders undergo extensive testing, interviews and training to serve in the Chandler Fire and Police departments. Chandler Fire conducted its recruitment process, resulting in 29 firefighters joining the department. Chandler Police conducted ongoing recruitments, hired 48 officers and hosted Find the Blue in You events to familiarize applicants with the process.