Improvements to city facilities, recreational amenities, streets and utility infrastructure equip us to serve the needs of residents and businesses. This page highlights major city-funded projects underway in Chandler. Residents' input help shape projects as they progress through phases of planning, design and construction.
Thanks to Chandler voters in the November 2021 bond election, funds were allocated to update Fire Station No. 282, also known at Fire Station #2, located on Alma School Road, south of Warner. Work began in August 2022 and the project is being built by Core Construction.
City Council approved $5.8 million for phased reconstruction of this station. The new station will have the capacity for a second engine company, which will improve response times. Fire Station #2 will remain fully operational during the reconstruction process and the project is expected to be completed in fall 2023.
For more information, visit Fire Station #2.
Chandler is currently in design for two concrete shared-use pathways along canals in west Chandler where unpaved pathways currently exist. A 0.9-mile path along the Kyrene Branch Canal and a 0.25-mile path along the Highline Canal will connect to concrete paths in the City of Tempe. Bike lanes will also be added on Orchid Lane and 54th Street. These pathways were identified in Chandler’s Transportation Master Plan as a mid-term (2026-2030) Bicycle and Pedestrian Recommendations project with the objective of creating safer, more comfortable pedestrian and bicycle environments, and connecting to regional concrete paths. The projects will include lighting, wayfinding, some landscaping, and a rest node.
A public meeting was held in August 2022 as part of the project assessment, with the project assessment completed in Fall 2022. Project design began in June 2023 and included a public meeting in December 2023 to solicit community feedback. Project design is expected to be complete in December 2025, with construction tentatively scheduled to begin in Spring 2026.
Visit Kyrene/Highline Shared Use Path Projects for more information about this project and to view any of the information and exhibits from the project assessment or design efforts.
The Chandler City Council authorized a citywide effort to convert streetlights from high-pressure sodium to new energy-efficient LED light fixtures.
Chandler operates and maintains more than 28,000 streetlights along city streets. About 10,000 of those are LED lights. The remaining 18,000 streetlights are being converted to more energy-efficient LED lights within neighborhoods and along major roadways.
The LED conversion will significantly reduce Chandler’s streetlight electricity consumption while also significantly reducing future maintenance, material and supply costs.
The Streets Division utilizes a variety of industry-standard pavement maintenance treatment measures to maintain more than 2,080 lane miles of roadway sections. These treatments include Crack Seal, Asphalt Emulsion Seal, Asphalt Rejuvenator Seal, Slurry Seal, Asphalt Patch, and Asphalt Mill and Overlay/Inlay.
ADA improvements are performed on existing pedestrian pathways within the City of Chandler right of way along roadway sections programmed to receive asphalt repaving. This may include the pedestrian pathway segment that also acts as the adjacent property driveway.
ADA improvements are performed on arterial, collector and residential roadway sections.
To learn more, visit Pavement Maintenance Program & ADA Improvements.
The City of Chandler, in partnership with the Maricopa Association of Governments, is working on creating safer trail connections across major roads in the city. The purpose is to increase the safety of pedestrians, bicyclists, and drivers.